Gym time may be seen as a free for all portion of the program; a time for children to do what they want and for staff to relax.
However, gym time actually works best when it is structured and planned out. Even if the children are having free time in the gym, strategically place staff in different areas, designate certain parts of the gym to certain activities. Most importantly, have staff interact with the kids! This helps decrease conflict while modeling appropriate levels of play to children.
Clearly state rules and instructions of games prior to playing. Ask children if they have any questions in order to clarify any uncertainty and avoid confusion and disagreement during the game.
Designate specific areas for specific games. Communicate with other staff members and organize a structured plan for the allotted gym time.
What activities are available
Where staff members should be/ roles
Rules for gym
Rules for specific games being played
Teams can be chosen by teachers beforehand in order to help transition flow smoothly.
It may be helpful to separate older and younger children when playing fast paced, higher skilled games. This reduces the risk of injury and allows the younger ones more time to engage in the game.
It is great when the adults play the game with the kids and keep the game positive by example. When working with older children, it is very important to be positive role models for them. They need to see positive play with less emphasis on aggressive behavior and competition throughout the game. Appropriate levels of competition should be modeled by the staff members when playing with kids.
Having a teacher act as a universal pitcher (or whatever applicable position depending on the game) helps avoid conflict amongst children.
If children are having trouble leaving the gym when instructed to do so, it may be beneficial to reward the children who do follow the directions properly and give them lots of praise. Also, the transition back to the classroom may be made earlier in order to compensate for the amount of time it takes the group as a whole to line up.