Schedules help to make the day organized and predictable. How they are set up and what they include will vary from classroom to classroom, but the important part is that they are clear and visible and kept up to date to keep both staff and children on track for the day.
Having a schedule allows students to anticipate upcoming events, diminish anxiety, and create and maintain structure within the classroom.
Include both words and pictures with your schedule and make sure it is posted in a clearly visible and accessible spot in the room or building.
If you are interested in using Boardmaker pictures for your schedules, please let us know! Be specific about size and which pictures you’d like, as well as the quantity for each!
It is beneficial to have a certain time built in each day to go over the daily schedule.
For older children it may be helpful to have the specific times also listed beside the activity. If this is the case, make sure that there is at least one clock around the room for the kids to see. This will help them manage their own time more effectively.
Keep the schedule up to date. Make sure it coincides with what staff is directing.
If you are using a white-board as a means of communication, make sure that it is kept updated. To be consistent, it should be redone each day.
Try to set up your space with the thought that if a new staff member were to walk in they would be able to know exactly what is going on.